Ich und die Anderen

Me and the Others
“I hate my name. Life is not a Wagner opera after all,” says Tristan. “I’ve never looked at your penis, you’ll have to take my word for it,” says his father. “Perverted? What’s wrong with perverted?” asks his mother. “Actually, in order to change the world we have to treat God. And we can get to him through you,” says his therapist. “May I ask you to respect the privacy of our protagonists,” says his taxi driver.
What is the relationship between “I” and “the others”, ego and environment, subject and context? And how would the constellation change if you could define the rules of the game at will? Writer-director David Schalko, who presented M – Eine Stadt sucht einen Mörder (M – A City Hunts a Murderer) in the 2019 Berlinale Series, explores these philosophical questions in the six-part miniseries Ich und die Anderen. The result is no sober experiment, but an absurd, tragicomic satire with a brilliant ensemble and razor-sharp dialogue that revels in escalation and affirms yet again that you should be careful what you wish for.
by David Schalko
with Tom Schilling, Lars Eidinger, Katharina Schüttler, Sophie Rois, Mavie Hörbiger, Martin Wuttke, Ramin Yazdani, Sarah Viktoria Frick, Michael Maertens, Merlin Sandmeyer
Austria / Germany 2021 German 117' Colour

Part of the Berlinale Summer Special


  • Tom Schilling (Tristan)
  • Lars Eidinger (Boss)
  • Katharina Schüttler (Julia)
  • Sophie Rois (Mother)
  • Mavie Hörbiger (Franziska)
  • Martin Wuttke (Father)
  • Ramin Yazdani (Taxi driver)
  • Sarah Viktoria Frick (Isolde)
  • Michael Maertens (Therapist)
  • Merlin Sandmeyer (Hubert)


Creator David Schalko
Director David Schalko
Screenplay David Schalko
Producers John Lueftner, David Schalko
Executive Producers Marcus Ammon, Frank Jastfelder, Quirin Schmidt, Markus Golisano, Katharina Theissen
Cinematography Martin Gschlacht
Editing Karina Ressler
Music Kyrre Kvam
Sound Odo Grötschnig
Art Director Hannes Salat, Pia Jaros
Broadcaster Sky

World Sales

NBCUniversal Global Distribution

Produced by

Sky Deutschland