Bimileui eondeok

The Hill of Secrets | Hügel der Geheimnisse
“Grandma what’s the meaning of ‘family’? To me, it’s still a mystery.”

As class president, Myung-eun sets up a letterbox for wishes and secrets. The twelve-year-old knows a thing or two about this; she herself has plenty of both. Her wish for recognition, for instance – from her teacher, her classmates, and from her parents. Or perhaps she simply wishes she had different parents to begin with: a mother who is more elegant and not so stingy, and a father who has an office job and doesn't get up late every day. While carefully keeping her family a secret, Myung-eun discovers an ability to connect with the world through writing competitions, pouring hours upon hours of research into each of her essays. When a new girl joins her class, she begins to realise there might be another way.
by Lee Ji-eun
with Moon Seung-a, Jang Sun, Lim Sun-woo, Kang Gil-woo, Lee Dong-chan, Kwak Jin-moo, Jang Jae-hee, Moon Seo-hyeon, Choi Hyun-jin
South Korea 2022 Korean 122’ Colour World premiere recommendation: 8 years and up


  • Moon Seung-a (Myung-eun)
  • Jang Sun (Kyung-hee)
  • Lim Sun-woo (Ae-ran)
  • Kang Gil-woo (Sung-ho)
  • Lee Dong-chan (Gi-nam)
  • Kwak Jin-moo (Jin-woo )
  • Jang Jae-hee (Hye-jin)
  • Moon Seo-hyeon (Ha-yan)
  • Choi Hyun-jin (Min-kyu)


Written and Directed by Lee Ji-eun
Cinematography Lee Ju-hwan
Editing Won Chang-jae
Music Yonrimog
Sound Park Ju-kang
Production Design Cho Min-juh
Costumes Kim Ae-ri
Make-Up Kim Da-eun
Producer Park Hyun-suk

Produced by

Ohspring Film

Lee Ji-eun

Born in South Korea in 1985, she wrote and directed three short films while studying film at Chung-Ang Graduate School for the Arts in Seoul. Bimileui eondoek is her debut feature film.


2016 I Am; short film 2018 Arrangement; short film 2019 Santa Claus; short film 2022 Bimileui eondoek (The Hill of Secrets)

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2022