
“This is Oink. Oink is the best birthday present I’ve ever had in my life”– “Excuse me? No way!”

Two loving parents, a best friend and a lovely yard to play in. In Babs’ orderly world, even the wholesome, vegetarian meals are exemplary. One day, however, a cool cowboy guy arrives to stir up this idyllic existence. Babs’ grandpa from America fulfils his granddaughter’s deep desire to have a pet of her own when he gifts her Oink the piglet. While the pink whirlwind manages to charm everyone within no time, grandpa arouses suspicion. What overjoyed Babs doesn't know: the old man with the banjo has some unfinished business with the traditional sausage-king competition. In this puppet animation realised with a great attention to detail, lifestyles and generations collide, in a comedic romp with unexpectedly edgy potential.
by Mascha Halberstad
with Hiba Ghafry, Matsen Montsma, Kees Prins, Jelka van Houten, Henry van Loon, Loes Luca, Johnny Kraaijkamp, Alex Klaasen, Remko Vrijdag
Netherlands / Belgium 2022 Dutch 72’ Colour World premiere recommendation: 6 years and up


  • Hiba Ghafry (Babs)
  • Matsen Montsma (Tijn)
  • Kees Prins (Grandpa Tuitjes)
  • Jelka van Houten (Margreet)
  • Henry van Loon (Nol)
  • Loes Luca (Aunt Christine)
  • Johnny Kraaijkamp (Butcher Smak)
  • Alex Klaasen (dog trainer)
  • Remko Vrijdag (Freddy Willekes)


Director Mascha Halberstad
Written by Fiona van Heemstra based on the book “De wraak van Knor” by Tosca Menten
Animation Jasper Kuipers, Marike Verbiest, Mirjam Plettinx, Iris Alexandre, Quentin Haberham, Raymon Wittenberg, Zaou Vaughan
Cinematography Peter Mansfelt
Editing Mascha Halberstad
Music Rutger Reinders
Sound Design Jan Schermer
Production Manager Chris Eimers-Mouw
Producer Marleen Slot
Co-Producers Dries Phlypo, Martien Vlietman
Co-Production A Private View Gent
VPRO Brüssel

Mascha Halberstad

Born in 1973. She directed the short animations Goodbye Mister de Vries and Munya in Me as well as on the 13-episode animation series Picknick with Cake, which won the prize of the Cinekid Kinderkast Fiction Jury, and on the 26-episode animation series Fox and Hare, which won the Cinekid Audience Award. Her first feature-length film, Oink, premiered in the 2022 Berlinale Generation, went on to screen at numerous international festivals and won three Golden Calves at the 2022 Netherlands Film Festival.


2012 Goodbye Mister de Vries; short film · Picknick with Cake; animation series, 13 episodes 2013 Munya in Me; short film 2017 The Great Hummimummi Christmas Special; short film 2018 Fox and Hare; animation series, 26 episodes 2022 Knor (Oink) 2024 Fox and Hare Save the Forest

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2024