Komm mit mir in das Cinema – Die Gregors

Come With Me to the Cinema – The Gregors
The title refers to the eponymous 1937 poem by Else Lasker-Schüler, in which the poet writes that “what once was: love” can be found at the cinema. Two decades on from this, it was a love of cinema that brought together two people who significantly expanded – today one might say, diversified – the film history of post-war Germany, encompassing both the way films are viewed as well as the discourse surrounding the medium: Erika and Ulrich Gregor.
Alice Agneskirchner’s documentary follows various paths to get right up close to the founders of Arsenal and the International Forum of New Cinema: on the one hand via the eventful life of the couple, who have been married for over 60 years; on the other via those who have accompanied them along the way, including such prominent figures as Jutta Brückner, Wim Wenders and Jim Jarmusch. The films of which the Gregors are particularly fond and to which they gave their full backing are also central, as the duo becomes reacquainted with Claude Lanzmann’s Shoah, István Szabó’s Apa and Helke Sander’s Die allseitig reduzierte Persönlichkeit – Redupers. This is not only a film about love and cinema but also a piece of West German history.
by Alice Agneskirchner
with Erika Gregor, Ulrich Gregor
Germany 2022 German, English 155' Colour & Black/White World premiere | Documentary form


  • Erika Gregor
  • Ulrich Gregor


Written and Directed by Alice Agneskirchner
Cinematography Jan Kerhart
Editing Silke Botsch
Music Max Knoth
Sound Design Roman Strack
Sound Ivonne Gärber
Production Manager Sandra Ehlermann
Producers Alice Agneskirchner, Sandra Ehlermann
Commissioning Editors Rolf Bergmann, Andrea Hanke
Co-Production Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg Potsdam, Deutschland
Westdeutscher Rundfunk Köln, Deutschland

Produced by

Ehlermann & Agneskirchner Filmproduktion

https://diegregors-derfilm.de https://diegregors-derfilm.de

Alice Agneskirchner

Born in 1966 in Munich, Germany. She studied political science, theatre studies and German, comparative anthropology, and later film directing. Alice Agneskirchner works as a writer, director and documentary producer. Her film Lampenfieber was screened at the Berlinale in 2019.

Filmography (documentaries, selection)

1994 Raulien’s Revier; 87 min. 1995 Herr, Frau, Hund; 65 min. 1999 Waschen und Legen; 90 min. 2001 Cheerleader-Stories; 5 x 27 min. 2003 Zusammen; 14 min. 2006 Liebe Mama, ich kannte Dich kaum ... (Dear Mum, I Hardly Knew You ...); 90 min. 2013 Ein Apartment in Berlin; 84 min. 2017 Auf der Jagd – Wem gehört die Natur? (On Hunting – Who Owns Nature?); 100 min. 2019 „Wie HOLOCAUST nach Deutschland kam ...“;; 90 min. · Lampenfieber (Kids in the Spotlight); 90 min. 2022 Komm mit mir in das Cinema – Die Gregors (Come With Me to the Cinema – The Gregors); 155 min.

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2022