Nelly & Nadine

Nadine Hwang, Nelly Mousset-Vos
Nelly & Nadine by Magnus Gertten
SWE, BEL, NOR 2022, Panorama
© Auto Images

Sylvie Bianchi
Nelly & Nadine by Magnus Gertten
SWE, BEL, NOR 2022, Panorama
© Caroline Troedsson / Auto Images

Nadine Hwang
Nelly & Nadine by Magnus Gertten
SWE, BEL, NOR 2022, Panorama
© Gustaf Boge / Auto Images

Nelly & Nadine by Magnus Gertten
SWE, BEL, NOR 2022, Panorama
Over a period of one year, Magnus Gertten accompanies granddaughter Sylvie on her cautious search, following the traces of the untold stories that are found in the various sources. A moving film about a deep and loving lesbian relationship and the necessity of individual and collective remembrance.
- Nelly Mousset-Vos
- Nadine Hwang
- Sylvie Bianchi
- Anne Coesens (Voice)
- Bwanga Pilipi (Voice)
Director | Magnus Gertten |
Screenplay | Magnus Gertten, Jesper Osmund |
Cinematography | Caroline Troedsson |
Editing | Jesper Osmund, Phil Jandaly |
Music | Marthe Belsvik Stavrum |
Sound Design | Are Åberg, Krister Johnson, Jørgen Meyer, Audun Røstad, Katarzyna Maria Wieczorek |
Casting | Jo Masset |
Producer | Ove Rishøj Jensen |
Co-Producers | Ingrid Galadriel Aune Falch, Christian Aune Falch, Torstein Parelius, Bram Crols, Mark Daems |
Co-Production |
Associate Directors Antwerpen UpNorth Film Orkanger |
World Sales
Produced by

The Eva Lichtspiele hosted Berlinale Goes Kiez in 2022.
Nelly & Nadine · Berlinale Goes Kiez · Panorama · Feb 12, 2022
Magnus Gertten

The director and producer was born in Limhamn, Sweden in 1953. He worked for several years as a television and radio journalist before turning to filmmaking in 1998. He has made a total of 15 documentaries for Swedish and international television which have been broadcast and screened at festivals in more than 60 different countries and won numerous awards. He works as a director, producer, narrative consultant and adviser for his film production company Auto Images.
Filmography (documentaries, selection)
1998 Blådårar (True Blue); co-directors: Stefan Berg, Fredrik Gertten 1999 Sjung ingen lovsång; co-director: Stefan Berg 2001 Far till staden 2002 En doft av choklad; co-director: Stefan Berg · Blådårar 2 (True Blue 2); co-directors: Stefan Berg, Fredrik Gertten 2004 Gå loss (Get Busy); co-director: Erik Bäfving 2005 Rolling Like a Stone; co-director: Stefan Berg 2008 Long Distance Love; co-director: Elin Jonsson 2011 Hoppets hamn (Harbour of Hope) 2014 Björn Afzelius: Tusen bitar; co-director: Stefan Berg 2015 Varje ansikte har ett namn (Every Face Has a Name) 2016 Den unge Zlatan (Becoming Zlatan); co-director: Fredrik Gertten 2020 Endast djävulen lever utan hopp (Only the Devil Lives Without Hope) 2022 Nelly & Nadine
Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2022