Le variabili dipendenti

The Dependent Variables | Abhängige Variablen
While their classmates endure the visit to the concert with pranks, Pietro and Tommaso secretly get closer to each other in the box. During the playing of Vivaldi’s composition, their lips touch. When Tommaso invites Pietro to his home shortly afterwards, the tension is still in the air. The desire, however, soon gives way to an ambiguity that particularly irritates the otherwise cautious Pietro. What did the kiss mean?
by Lorenzo Tardella
with Simone Evangelista, Mattia Rega
Italy 2022 Italian 16’ Colour World premiere recommendation: 13 years and up


  • Simone Evangelista (Pietro)
  • Mattia Rega (Tommaso)


Director Lorenzo Tardella
Screenplay Mara Fondacaro, Elisa Pulcini, Lorenzo Tardella
Cinematography Simone Rossi
Editing Angela Norelli
Music Fabio D'Onofrio
Sound Design Luca Pasini
Sound Fabiana Padula
Production Design Sara Scodro
Costumes Rebecca Valloggia
Make-Up Emanuele Putzu
Assistant Director Giulia Regini
Production Managers Laura Bardi, Angela Angelillo
Producer Marta Donzelli
Executive Producer Adriano De Santis

Produced by

Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia

https://www.fondazionecsc.it https://www.fondazionecsc.it

Lorenzo Tardella

Born in Narni, Italy in 1992, he is currently studying at the Centro Sperimentale di Cinematografia, the Italian national film school in Rome. His short films have screened at several international festivals.

Filmography (short films)

2018 Late Show 2019 Edo 2020 Quello che resta (Between Us) 2021 A fior di pelle (Bare Skin) 2022 Le variabili dipendenti (The Dependent Variables)

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2022