Der Schwarm

The Swarm
Children squeal with delight on a whale-watching ship off Vancouver Island. A humpback whale has just jumped out of the water and showered them with spray before diving back down. But seconds later, the situation spirals out of control. Mysterious events in which nature appears to be taking its revenge on humankind are becoming more frequent on all five continents. Can scientists find a solution before the Earth is doomed? Published in 2004, Frank Schätzing’s bestselling book provides the basis for one of the most ambitious series in European television history. Under the aegis of showrunner Frank Doelger, directors Barbara Eder, Luke Watson and Philipp Stölzl have created a world-encompassing mystery series that is more than just a spectacularly illustrated thought experiment. At its centre is a group of researchers who find themselves facing not just a threat, but also the ignorance and greed of the authorities, politicians and corporations. The series’ message could not be more timely.
by Barbara Eder, Luke Watson, Philipp Stölzl
with Cécile de France, Alexander Karim, Leonie Benesch, Joshua Odjick, Takuya Kimura, Krista Kosonen, Rosabell Laurenti Sellers, Barbara Sukowa, Oliver Masucci, Sharon Duncan-Brewster
Germany / Belgium 2023 German, English, French, Japanese, Dutch, Swedish 138' Colour World premiere


  • Cécile de France (Dr. Cécile Roche)
  • Alexander Karim (Dr. Sigur Johanson)
  • Leonie Benesch (Charlie Wagner)
  • Joshua Odjick (Leon Anawak)
  • Takuya Kimura (Aito Mifune)
  • Krista Kosonen (Tina Lund)
  • Rosabell Laurenti Sellers (Alicia Delaware)
  • Barbara Sukowa (Prof. Katharina Lehmann)
  • Oliver Masucci (Captain Jasper Alban)
  • Sharon Duncan-Brewster (Samantha Crowe)


Directors Barbara Eder, Luke Watson, Philipp Stölzl
Screenplay Steven Lally, Marissa Lestrade, Chris Lunt, Michael A. Walker based on the novel of the same name by Frank Schätzing
Cinematography David Luther, Dominik Berg
Editing Philipp Ostermann, Sandy Saffeels
Music Dascha Dauenhauer
Sound Design Noemi Hampel
Sound Mixing Gregor Bonse
Production Design Julian R. Wagner
Costumes Carlo Poggioli
Make-Up Barbara Pellegrini
Executive Producers Frank Doelger, Eric Welbers, Mark Huffam, Ute Leonhardt, Jan Wünschmann, Till Grönemeyer, Barbara Eder, Luke Watson, Moritz von Kruedener, Jan Theys
Co-Production Bravado Fiction Brüssel
Beside Production Braine l'Alleud

Produced by

Schwarm TV Production (Joint company by Intaglio Films & ndF International Production)

Additional information

Broadcaster: ZDF, France Télévisions, Rai, Viaplay Group, Hulu Japan, ORF, SRF
World sales: Beta Film, ZDF Studios