Un pájaro voló

A Bird Flew
The memory of a friend who is no longer around torments Boloy’s thoughts. The key player on the Cuban volleyball team, Boloy tries to return to morning training despite the pain of the loss – because he knows that his life must go on. The film reflects the director’s experiences of losing a loved one himself.
by Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz
with Yasser Ramírez Boloy, Alejandra de Jesús Garcell, Jesús Angel Cruz López, Jose Ramón Gómez Reyes, Jakdiel Contreras Acosta, Brian Camino Martínez, Yonny Iglesias, Viscaino Brayant
Colombia / Cuba 2024 Spanish 20' World premiere recommendation: 14 years and up


  • Yasser Ramírez Boloy (Boloy)
  • Alejandra de Jesús Garcell (Alejandra)
  • Jesús Angel Cruz López (Coach )
  • Jose Ramón Gómez Reyes (Daniel)
  • Jakdiel Contreras Acosta (Jakdiel)
  • Brian Camino Martínez (Brian)
  • Yonny Iglesias (Yonny)
  • Viscaino Brayant (Brayant)


Director Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz
Screenplay Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz, Fabian Suárez
Cinematography Nicolas Ordoñez
Editing Liana Dominguez
Sound Design Maria Garabito
Sound Harry Suárez
Production Design Alexis Álvarez Armas
Make-Up Yudit Dominguez
Casting Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz
Producers Dany Celeiro, Maria Alejandra Rodriguez, Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz
Executive Producers Dany Celeiro, Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz
Co-Production Estuario Cine Barranquilla
Sonoramio Bogotá

Produced by

Bølier Films

Dany Celeiro

Leinad Pájaro De la Hoz

The director, photographer, teacher and artist was born in Barranquilla, Colombia in 1988 and has a degree from the International School of Film and TV San Antonio de los Baños (EICTV). He has directed several short films which have screened at numerous international festivals. He is currently developing the feature-length documentary Voices of Neptune with his production company Bølier Films.


2017 Las Estaciones (The Seasons); short documentary 2019 Atmósferas (Atmospheres); short documentary 2022 El Hijo del Dragón (The Son of Dragon); short film 2024 Un pájaro voló (A Bird Flew); short film

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2024