Silent Sparks

Freshly released from prison, Pua is inexorably drawn back into the underworld. He is compelled not only by financial necessity but also by his desire to reconnect with the one for whom he longs: his former cellmate, Mi-ji. But when the long-awaited reunion with Mi-ji finally takes place, it falls short of Pua’s expectations. In the web of obligations and loyalties among gangsters, both Pua and Mi-ji find themselves grappling with difficult choices.



The leading actor embraces the spirit of the Bear-linale.


MonFeb 1722:00

Zoo Palast 2

TueFeb 1813:30

Cubix 7

WedFeb 1922:00

Cubix 6

FriFeb 2112:30

Stage Bluemax Theater

SatFeb 2215:30

Cubix 8

SunFeb 2317:15

Colosseum 1