Umibe é Iku Michi

Seaside Serendipity | Sommerliche Zufälle

A seaside town with long-term residents of all ages and genders has recently started attracting artists drawn by a project in the area. Odd incidents occur, naive adults meet cunning children and the sea and sky shimmer in the light. Middle-school student Sosuke finds life easy, energised by the joy of creating. Alongside him, the story’s second main character continuously changes in the bright sunlight: the town itself. Like a restless child, it is in constant motion. Nobody is perfect but everyone has the potential to love others. While the children are inexhaustible in their attempts to solve the tasks before them, the adults repeatedly try to figure out their own existence. A collection of vignettes from an unforgettable summer where every character is lovable and filled with a tenderness that touches the heart.



The film by the director and lead actor celebrated its premiere at the Haus der Kulturen der Welt.


MonFeb 1715:30

HKW 1 - Miriam Makeba Auditorium

German live voice-over | Headphones for OV

TueFeb 1815:30

Filmtheater am Friedrichshain

German live voice-over

WedFeb 1910:00

Cubix 6

German live voice-over | Headphones for OV

FriFeb 2115:30

Zoo Palast 2

German live voice-over | Headphones for OV

SunFeb 2312:15

Filmtheater am Friedrichshain

German live voice-over