Wenn du Angst hast nimmst du dein Herz in den Mund und lächelst

If You Are Afraid You Put Your Heart into Your Mouth and Smile

Slowly, 12-year-old Anna and her deaf mum are starting to feel a bit cramped in their flat. It’s not just the lack of privacy that’s causing friction – Anna has just started secondary school and quickly realises what’s important now: brand-name clothes and a sense of belonging. She quickly gets hold of a fake Ralph Lauren jumper, but money’s still tight. In her debut, director and author Marie Luise Lehner stages a confrontation with classist structures, which Anna tackles with a mixture of shame and grit. She finds an ally in Mara, who challenges others with feminist issues and who also lives alone with her queer father. Lehner stands by her heroes unconditionally, giving them space for introspection and outbursts, allowing them to row back and reconcile. Not fitting in allows them to get to know and appreciate who they are. Lehner flies the flag of solidarity, quite naturally and with plenty of references to pop culture. And closes with a liberating “Fuck you, Vienna”, high above the city’s rooftops.


The lead actor and the director at the Q&A.


WedFeb 1919:00

Zoo Palast 2

German closed captions | Audio description via App GRETA | Q&A with German sign language interpreter

ThuFeb 2016:00

Arsenal 1

German closed captions

FriFeb 2112:45

Cubix 8

German closed captions

SatFeb 2221:00

Delphi Filmpalast

German closed captions | Audio description via App GRETA