Satanische Sau

Satanic Sow

The sow is me, played by my alter ego, the brilliant actor Armin Dallapiccola. The movie is a dream, a parody, a farce of my life: poetic associations with my death, my sex life, my rebirth.
I revisit some of the 150 films I’ve made, think of my lovers – a couple of whom I reward by sticking flowers up their asses and whom I have to paint blindfolded. Then my neighbour dies, leaving behind an infinitely sad widower. A fan rings my doorbell and forces me to have sex after death, and my friends sing the song “Great God, We Praise You”. But God Himself explains His perverse morality, praising evil and deeming good to be naive.
My mother, played by Anne Rathsfeld, is horrified and the stuffed apes and pigs that come to life illustrate my great love of animals. At one point, Katy Karrenbauer reveals to us the terrible truth: we are all satanic swine.

Rosa von Praunheim



The main actor and the director on stage in the Zoo Palast.


SatFeb 1522:15

Zoo Palast 2

SunFeb 1621:30

Akademie der Künste (AdK)

MonFeb 1710:15

Cubix 7

WedFeb 1912:30

Colosseum 1