Mikhail Pavlik, Marina Orel, Petr Fyodorov
Rossiya 88 | Russia 88 | Russland 88 by Pavel Bardin
RUS 2008, Panorama

Petr Fyodorov, Ivan Ignatenko, Anton Kuznetsov
Rossiya 88 | Russia 88 | Russland 88 by Pavel Bardin
RUS 2008, Panorama

Pavel Bardin
Rossiya 88 | Russia 88 | Russland 88 by Pavel Bardin
RUS 2008, Panorama
Pavel Bardin’s film focuses on a phenomenon that, although largely ignored in the West, is very much a part of everyday life in Moscow. The director was able to order most of the Nazi gear worn by the film’s protagonists from an internet website. T-shirts bearing nationalistic slogans like “I’m a Russian”, or quotes from David Lane, a Nazi ideologist and the author of “Fourteen Words”, are freely available for purchase in Moscow. Even the radical right-wing songs that can be heard in the film were easily found in “Gorbushka”, a well-known media store specialising in illegal products. The texts declaimed to-camera by the balaclava-clad “Blade” originated from ultra-right-wing internet forums; in addition, the murders, pogroms and terrorist attacks mentioned in the film are not the product of the director’s fantasy – they are all to be found in police reports from Vladivostok, St. Petersburg and many other cities in Russia.