Christian Wahnschaffe, Teil 1: Weltbrand

Christian Wahnschaffe, Part 1: World Afire
At the salon of his lover, Paris dancer Eva Sorel, Christian Wahnschaffe, the spoiled son of an industrialist, meets Iwan Becker, a leader in the Russian Nihilist movement. Impressed by Becker’s concern for society’s weak and poor, Christian develops sympathies for the movement’s ideals. When Eva begins a relationship with a powerful Russian prince, she poses a danger to Becker, who has entrusted her with his secret plans for a revolution for safekeeping. And, indeed, they end up in St Petersburg, where Christian and Iwan try in vain to gain possession of them. It is then easy for the Prince to put down the 1905 revolution … Weltbrand is a wide-ranging panorama of society, unfolding along several parallel plot lines against a backdrop of luxury and misery. From its use of historical subject matter, to its gala premiere attended by dignitaries from industry and politics at the Hotel Esplanade, the two-part star-studded film version of the book anticipated later media storms, making Christian Wahnschaffe seem like a Weimar-era forerunner of modern-day event television.
by Urban Gad
with Conrad Veidt, Lillebil Christensen, Hermann Vallentin, Hugo Flink, Fritz Kortner, Ernst Matray, Theodor Loos, Helga Molander, Leopold von Ledebur, Frida Richard, Franz Sutton, Josef Peterhans
Germany 1920 German intertitles 80’ Reconstructed Digital Version 2017/18


  • Conrad Veidt
  • Lillebil Christensen
  • Hermann Vallentin
  • Hugo Flink
  • Fritz Kortner
  • Ernst Matray
  • Theodor Loos
  • Helga Molander
  • Leopold von Ledebur
  • Frida Richard
  • Franz Sutton
  • Josef Peterhans


Director Urban Gad
Screenplay Paul Georg, Robert Michel based on the novel “Christian Wahnschaffe” (1919) by Jakob Wassermann
Cinematography Max Lutze
Set Construction Robert A. Dietrich

Produced by

Terra-Film AG

Additional information

DCP: Friedrich-Wilhelm-Murnau-Stiftung, Wiesbaden