Sandra Borgmann, Rainer Sellien
Lollipop Monster by Ziska Riemann
DEU 2010, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Jella Haase, Sarah Horváth
Lollipop Monster by Ziska Riemann
DEU 2010, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Sarah Horváth, Jella Haase
Lollipop Monster by Ziska Riemann
DEU 2010, Perspektive Deutsches Kino
© Hannes Hubach

Jella Haase
Lollipop Monster by Ziska Riemann
DEU 2010, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Sarah Horváth, Jella Haase
Lollipop Monster by Ziska Riemann
DEU 2010, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Okinawa Pony Girl
Lollipop Monster by Ziska Riemann
DEU 2010, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Nikeata Thompson
Lollipop Monster by Ziska Riemann
DEU 2010, Perspektive Deutsches Kino

Ziska Riemann
Lollipop Monster by Ziska Riemann
DEU 2010, Perspektive Deutsches Kino
Following their instincts, the two girls go on a manhunt, sneaking through the urban jungle to dance with the Baron and bare their teeth. “We’re one of a kind. We understand each other intuitively. Because we are the same species.” The girls’ friendship helps Oona externalise her anger and allows Ari to gain a sense of self-respect at last.
But then Ari starts having an affair with Oona’s hated uncle Lukas. When Oona catches them red-handed one day, she is deeply hurt and withdraws into her shell again. Both girls realise that they’ve only one last chance to save their friendship … “Never forget. I could just eat you. For I am unpredictable!”
World Sales
Network Movie Film- und Fernsehproduktion GmbH & Co. KG
Additional information

Luci van Org, Ziska Riemann, Nikeata Thompson
Co-author, director and actress on premiere nicht.
Lollipop Monster · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 15, 2011

Film Team
Group photo on premiere night.
Lollipop Monster · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 15, 2011

Jella Haase, Sarah Horváth
The two leading actresses.
Lollipop Monster · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Feb 15, 2011

Christiane Krumwiede, Jella Haase, Ziska Riemann, Hannes Hubach, Luci van Org, Andy Wecker, Sarah Horváth
The film team in front of the Yorck cinema.
Lollipop Monster · Berlinale Goes Kiez · Feb 16, 2011

Jella Haase, Sarah Horváth
Applause for the two leading actresses in the Yorck cinema.
Lollipop Monster · Berlinale Goes Kiez · Feb 16, 2011

Luci van Org, Sarah Horváth, Ziska Rieman, Jella Haase
The film team at the Q&A in the Yorck cinema.
Lollipop Monster · Berlinale Goes Kiez · Feb 16, 2011

Luci van Org
The author arriving at Yorck cinema.
Lollipop Monster · Berlinale Goes Kiez · Feb 16, 2011

Julia Brandes
Julia Brandes was awarded the Femina FIlm Prize for the costume in the Perspektive film.
Lollipop Monster · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Prizes of the Independent Juries · Feb 19, 2011

Julia Brandes
She was awarded the Femina Film Prize for the costume in the film by Ziska Riemann.
Lollipop Monster · Perspektive Deutsches Kino · Prizes of the Independent Juries · Feb 19, 2011