Min vän Lage

My Friend Lage | Mein Freund Lage
A little owl named Lage moves from the forest to the city. At first things come easy to the boy owl because everyone thinks he’s really special; he even gets a job in television acting in natural history programmes. But one day all this comes to an end and Lage finds himself drilling holes into walls for a construction company. He’s relieved when he gets fired and starts offering flying lessons instead. But his flying school isn’t all that popular, and only one of his two pupils manages to take to the air and fly south. From time to time Lage meets up with an old acquaintance who so far has had no success in learning to fly. However, with Lage as her teacher her flying skills improve every day. A delicately ironic film that tells the story of a unique friendship.
by Eva Lindström Sweden / Denmark 2013 12’ recommendation: 4 years and up

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Lisbet Gabrielsson Film AB

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