Cancelled Faces

Cancelled Faces by Lior Shamriz
KOR/DEU 2015, Forum Expanded
© spektakulativ pictures

Cancelled Faces by Lior Shamriz
KOR/DEU 2015, Forum Expanded
© spektakulativ pictures
Lior Shamriz’s film deals with cultural and historical appropriation. Elements of the New Queer Cinema, American pop culture, Biblical history, and fetish fashion are singled out, taken out of context, then re-contextualized and integrated into an unconventional narrative that consciously recites cinematic conventions at the same time. In the form of what could be called a cinematic mash-up, Cancelled Faces alienates cultural signifiers and opens a view to the concept of alienation on various levels. The personal alienation of two lovers inside a relationship, the cultural alienation of subjects in a globalized consumer culture and lastly, the alienation of concepts of national, sexual, or cultural identity.
(Toby Ashraf)

After the screening
Cancelled Faces · Forum Expanded · Feb 10, 2015

Cancelled Faces · Forum Expanded · Feb 10, 2015