Dissonance by Till Nowak
DEU 2015, Berlinale Shorts

Till Nowak
Dissonance by Till Nowak
DEU 2015, Berlinale Shorts
He lives on the street. The mother is worried, as the man who was once her husband sinks ever deeper. What kind of world is this, that puts a smile on his face, while inspiring nothing but fear in her? The daughter has no fear. All that remains is longing.
In Dissonance, reality and fantasy merge, flow into one another. 3D animation and live action become one. An odyssey through time and space. A modern fairytale.
World Sales
KurzFilmAgentur Hamburg e.V.
Additional information

Till Nowak
The director during Q&A.
Dissonance · Berlinale Goes Kiez · Feb 12, 2015

Till Nowak
The director and his team.
Dissonance · Berlinale Shorts · Feb 09, 2015

Bettina Schwarz, Till Nowak
The "Co-ordinator Short Film Initiative & Training Projects" at the European Film Academy and the director of the film.
Dissonance · Berlinale Shorts · Berlin Short Film Nominee for the European Film Awards · Feb 14, 2015
Film Excerpt