HaChayim Al-Pi Agfa

Life According to Agfa | Life According to Agfa – Nachtaufnahmen
In a Tel Aviv bar, a world of bohemians, business people, junkies, tourists, pimps, and soldiers all meet. And they are all lonely and lost. The boss Daliah dreams that her lover will remain at her side forever; barmaid Liora looks the other way as her boyfriend sleeps around with any woman who’ll have him. Waitress Daniela yearns to move to America, and Riki, who comes from a kibbutz, has as much trouble coping with life as he does with the big city … The events of a single night, captured in the black-and-white photos that gave the film its title, are a microcosm of a society that considers itself liberal and tolerant, but in which seemingly trivial actions can become explosive. At the time, director Assi Dayan stressed that HaChayim Al-Pi Agfa was not meant as a psychographic only of Israeli society, but could have been set anywhere. Not long afterwards, when prime minister Yitzhak Rabin was assassinated in Tel Aviv in 1995, it would become clear how close Dayan’s apocalyptic vision was to the concrete reality in Israel. – World premiere of the digitally restored version in 4K DCP.
by Assi Dayan
with Gila Almagor, Shuli Rand, Irit Frank, Sharon Alexander, Avital Dicker, Dani Litani, Smadar Kilchinski, Ezra Kafri
Israel 1992 Hebrew 103’ Black/White & Colour Digitally restored version 2017 | Restoration by <br/>Jerusalem Cinematheque - Israel Film Archive <br/>In cooperation with United King Films, Ramat Hasharon, Israel and the support of the Israel Film Fund<br/><br/><br/>4K Scan: Jerusalem Cinematheque - Israel Film Archive<br/>Digital image restoration: Opus Digital Lab, Tel Aviv, under the supervision of DOP Yoav Kosh Rating R16


  • Gila Almagor
  • Shuli Rand
  • Irit Frank
  • Sharon Alexander
  • Avital Dicker
  • Dani Litani
  • Smadar Kilchinski
  • Ezra Kafri


Written and Directed by Assi Dayan
Cinematography Yoav Kosh
Editing Zohar Sela
Music Naftali Alter
Sound David Liss
Art Director Yaakov Turgeman
Costumes Einat Nir-Kosh
Make-Up Dalit Davidov
Producers Yoram Kislev, Rafi Bukaee

World sales

United King Films

Produced by

Moviez Entertainment Ltd

Additional information

Restoration by
Jerusalem Cinematheque - Israel Film Archive
In cooperation with United King Films, Ramat Hasharon, Israel and the support of the Israel Film Fund

4K Scan: Jerusalem Cinematheque - Israel Film Archive
Digital image restoration: Opus Digital Lab, Tel Aviv, under the supervision of DOP Yoav Kosh