
Who is steering the crowd? What if it is heading in the wrong direction? Where does the individual end and the group begin? What is done by choice, and what under duress? A thoughtful experiment in group dynamics, this pithy and laconically witty black-and-white animated short presents a series of shifting prototypical scenarios. Along with a computer game, it forms part of a multimedia project by Michael Frei and game designer Mario von Rickenbach.
by Michael Frei Switzerland 2019 Without language 9’ Black/White World premiere


Written and Directed by Michael Frei
Screenplay Mario von Rickenbach
Animation Michael Frei, Mario von Rickenbach, Martine Ulmer, Raphaël Munoz, Anaïs Voirol
Music Olav Lervik, Riga Cathedral Boys Choir
Sound Design Masumi Takino
Sound Mixing Thomas Gassmann
Executive Producer Michael Frei
Co-Production SRF/SRG SSR Zürich
Arte Straßburg

World sales

Some Shorts

Produced by


Michael Frei

Born in Switzerland in 1987, he is a filmmaker and artist who studied animation at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and the Estonian Academy of Arts in Tallinn. His films Not About Us and Plug & Play won numerous awards at international festivals. In 2014 he was invited to participate in the Animation Artist in Residence Tokyo programme. His interactive project “Plug & Play” became an internet phenomenon. He is co-founder of the Playables production company in Zurich.

Filmography (short films)

2012 Not About Us 2013 Plug & Play 2019 Kids

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2019