How to Breathe in Kern County

Sudamos – en luz – sombra – todo el día. We sweat – in the light – in the shade – all day long. California: Light and shadow. Living conditions in Kern County are determined by agriculture and oil production. Oil distillation towers stand in long rows spanning kilometres; a view of the workers’ conditions and their working day. And suddenly it comes, the night! Una canción de un mundo sin trabajo. Por un momento: respiramos. A song from a world without work. And for a moment: we can breathe. And then it's back all over again, the next day. A triad, a film like a haiku.
by Chris Filippone USA 2019 Spanish 9’ Colour World premiere | Documentary form


Director Chris Filippone
Cinematography Chris Filippone
Editing Chris Filippone
Sound Design Chris Filippone
Producers Erin Semine Kökdil, Chris Filippone

World sales

Chris Filippone

Produced by

Chris Filippone

Chris Filippone

Born in Philadelphia, USA in 1987, he studied film and media arts as well as political science at Temple University and documentary film and video at Stanford. His films explore the intersection of labour, marginalised voices and contested spaces.

Filmography (short films)

2016 Scrap 2017 A View From the Window 2018 How to Breathe in Kern County

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2019