À l’entrée de la nuit

At the Entrance of the Night
Two men are walking through the Moroccan night. The darkness of the forest almost engulfs them. It might be possible to hear the sea from here. One man describes a dream in which his brother is still alive. Cut. Two police officers are patrolling the Spanish coast, the headlights of their jeep groping their way through the night. A golden foil survival blanket hangs suspended somewhere; someone might be hiding in the bushes. Cut. Somewhere in Paris, a young woman is rushing through the park. Her face is covered by a bridal veil. The sun is shining. She lays her waiting to rest.
by Anton Bialas
with Alioune Fall, Ibrahim Doumbia, Nadia Moussa
France 2020 Wolof, Spanish 19' Colour World premiere


  • Alioune Fall
  • Ibrahim Doumbia
  • Nadia Moussa


Director Anton Bialas
Screenplay Anton Bialas, Clément Roussier
Cinematography Julia Mingo, Anton Bialas
Editing Vincent Tricon
Sound Design Lucas Doméjean, Matthieu Choux
Producer Marthe Lamy
Co-Producer Félix De Givry
Co-Production Remembers Paris

Produced by

Apaches films

Anton Bialas

Born in Paris, France in 1990 to a Swedish mother and a German father. He studied film at the Sorbonne in Paris and directed the mid-length film Derrière nos yeux in 2018.

Filmography (short films)

2017 En son royaume (In His Kingdom) 2018 Derrière nos yeux (Behind Your Eyes) 2019 A l'entrée de la nuit (At the Entrance of the Night)

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2020