
A crime scene inspection in the woods: the perpetrator re-enacts the crime in minute detail using a faceless doll. This cool re-staging of raw brutality is almost unbearable. The solidarity that ensues does not follow the principles of morality or decency, but has its own dynamic in this subtle and precisely unfolding game of power.
by Laurynas Bareisa
with Paulius Markevičius, Indrė Patkauskaitė, Kęstutis Jakštas, Dmitrij Denisiuk, Giedrius Kiela, Artūras Lepiochinas, Karolis Maiskis
Lithuania 2020 Lithuanian 13’ Colour World premiere


  • Paulius Markevičius (Tomas)
  • Indrė Patkauskaitė (Miglé)
  • Kęstutis Jakštas (Vidas)
  • Dmitrij Denisiuk (Juozas)
  • Giedrius Kiela (Giedrius)
  • Artūras Lepiochinas (Artūras)
  • Karolis Maiskis (Karolis)


Written and Directed by Laurynas Bareisa
Cinematography Laurynas Bareisa
Editing Laurynas Bareisa
Sound Design Julius Grigelionis
Producer Klementina Remeikaite

World Sales


Produced by


Laurynas Bareisa

Born in Lithuania in 1988, he studied applied mathematics and cinematography before completing a master’s in film directing in 2016. He recently worked as cinematographer on the feature film Summer Survivors by Marija Kavtaradze, as well as directing the short films By the Pool, which screened at Venice, and Caucasus, which was presented at Locarno. He is currently developing his debut feature film, Pilgrims, at the Torino FeatureLab.

Filmography (short films)

2016 Kupranugaris (The Camel) 2017 Pirtis (By the Pool) 2018 Kaukazas (Caucasus) 2020 Atkūrimas (Dummy)

Bio- & filmography as of Berlinale 2020