Berlinale Classics Regulations

Berlinale Classics celebrates the premieres of digitally restored film classics and rediscoveries. Those films are screened in brilliant picture and sound quality. The programme is organised by the Deutsche Kinemathek.

1. Eligibility

Eligible for the Berlinale Classics are high-quality restorations of feature films and documentaries which

  • are of at least 60 minutes running time.
  • had their premiere before 2006.
  • were released internationally in cinemas.

The restored version

  • may not have been screened outside its country of origin at festivals, in cinemas, on TV, on the internet, or streaming platforms, or released on DVD/Blu-ray.
  • was completed within the 12 months prior to the start of the festival.
  • has to be available in the formats DCP, QuickTime ProRes or 35mm – other formats only upon request.
  • has never been submitted to the Berlinale.

World premieres are prioritised (see General Information on Premiere Status). German restorations must be world premieres to be eligible for Berlinale Classics

For all applications the General Guidelines for Film Submission and Participation apply. The Festival Director reserve the right to decide on any eventuality not foreseen in these guidelines.

2. Selection and Programming

Films are invited by the section head in consultation with the Festival Director.

3. Language Version and Subtitles

All selected restorations are screened in their original version with English subtitles; additional German would be appreciated but are not obligatory. The submitting entity is responsible for meeting the costs of subtitling and providing the subtitled version on time.

4. Film Entry

Please contact the Berlinale Classics team to submit a film and receive a registration link:

Contact Berlinale Classics

phone: +49 30 300903-25

Section Profile Berlinale Classics